Major & Pass Course


Sociology is the organized, systematic and scientific study of social life, social relationships and behaviour in human society. It emerged in response to attempts to understand changes occurring in society due to the processes of industrialization, urbanization and globalization. Sociology addresses current social problems confronting society and policy makers.
It enables one to think imaginatively, reject preconceived ideas about social life and to understand social change from a wider perspective. It allows one to look beyond a limited understanding of human behaviour and to see the world and people through a broader lens.
Sociology has important practical applications and contributes to social criticism and practical social reform. It helps to formulate policies based on an awareness of divergent cultural values as well as investigates the consequences of policy programmes. It focuses on areas such as crime, delinquency, demography, industrial sociology, rural sociology, sociology of occupation and profession, medical sociology, law and society, sociology of human resource development, research methodology and statistics. Sociologists assist in planning and conducting community action programmes. They also advice on public and employee relations in organizations.
Name of the Department: SOCIOLOGY
- Year of Establishment: 1992
S- Strength:
- i) Academic
- The subject is very popular among the students.
- Willingness among the students to learn with curiosity.
- Remarkably good students strength
- The Departmental Faculty is dedicated, competent and coupe with changing demands of the course curriculum.
- Qualified and experienced teaching staffs
- The Academic ambiance of the Department is very good with full cooperation and understanding among the Departmental faculty members and good cooperation is always maintained among the teachers and students.
- ii) Students’ enrollment
A satisfactory students’ enrollment is being observed every year.
iii) Infrastructure:
The infrastructural facilities are quite good but if fund permits the Department can be expanded.
- iv) Departmental Library
Yes, a departmental library with about 300 books and a few journals are available for reference.
- v) ICT Facility:
Yes, computer, internet facilities, 3D LED (T.V)
– Weakness:
- i) Poor quality of students, as good students now a days prefer to go out of this place for better opportunities.
Ii) Limited number of books especially in the Assamese medium and students coming from a vernacular medium find it difficult referring English books
iii) No proper facility for setting up a “socio-cultural” laboratory.
- i) Poor quality of students, as good students now a days prefer to go out of this place for better opportunities.
Ii) Limited number of books especially in the Assamese medium and students coming from a vernacular medium find it difficult referring English books
iii) No proper facility for setting up a “socio-cultural” laboratory.
A lot of opportunities are available now a days for the students who have a degree in this subject. For eg. Welfare officers, Public Relation Officer, Extension Offices etc. To organized short field trips within the limited time span because of the semester system.
C- Challenges:
- To make good results and to draw meritorious students with good academic background.
- To train students in all aspects so that they can face all challenges in life.
Details of Infrastructural facilities:
- Library:
(a) 300 number of books in the department library.
(b) Question Papers: yes, (Last 4 years question papers are available)
(c) E-books (CD&DVD format are available): Yes
(d) College Library: 455 Numbers of books
Total 755 Number of books is available for students and faculty members.
- B) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Yes
- C) Class rooms with ICT facility: Yes
- D) Laboratories: N/A
Future Plan:
- To publish Departmental Journal and a news letter.
- To open a some important subjects like M.S.W., Medical Sociology, Environmental Sociology etc.
- If fund permits we can have an inter-active session through Video conferencing.
- An On-line Examination Centre for 20 to 30 students.
- To set-up an exhibition hall to display ethnic items.

Sujata Borkataky
Assistant Professor
- 0374-2801459
- 9435039984
- sujataborkataky@mail.com

Jashashya Borah
Assistant Professor
- 0374-2801459
- 8403886419
- jashashyaborah@mail.com

Prosanta Gogoi
Assistant Professor
- 0374-2801459
- 8011625847
- gogoiprasanta73@mail.com