Best Practices:
Environment Consciousness:
‘Go Green and Keep Green’: Towards Building a Sustainable and Clean and Green Campus.
The college has emphasized to build a green campus with an objective to foster a culture of eco friendly practices and making the entire campus environmentally sustainable. With a view to achieve this, a plastic free zone, tobacco free zone, conservation of energy, produce from the wastes, protection of bio-diversity by providing Bird Houses etc,practice the use of less electricity, by installing solar panel in the college campus, maintaining the water bodies and cleanliness in the campus are adopted. This effort is made collectively by our students, staff and neighboring community to realize our sense of responsibility for preserving and protecting our nature.
The Environmental Committee and Eco Club were established in 2013 and 2016 respectively, by a group of teachers to motivate students to build a clean and green environment by using eco – friendly practices.
The campus can be categorized as playground, lawns, floriculture and herbal garden .The variety of species of trees, herbs, shrubs and medicinal plants are planted sufficiently to create a green environment of the college to face the challenges of global warming and climate change. The rate of environmental degradation caused by industrial emittance is now alarming for all.Duliajan Girls’ College has been constantly working together, creating and maintaining aeco- friendly and clean and green campus.
The Eco Club and Environmental Committee undertake various activities like lectures and talks on various environmental issues as mentioned below:
Tree Plantation Drive:
Every year the college organizes a tree plantation drive on the 5th of June by observing the World Environment Day, in and around the campus and in the adopted village. While cutting of trees in the campus is strictly prohibited, bird watching and tree identification walks are often carried out. The members of Environmental Committee maintain a Herbal Garden on the premises and a flower garden is cared and manicured by the Student Union Members. For creating awareness and educating the students on the importance of herbs and plantation of trees. It also maintains the Vermi compost pit through which recycling and waste management is taught to the students.
Installing bird houses on the trees of the campus help to eliminate unwanted pests and make the campus free from using harmful pesticides as birds eat insects, weeds, seeds etc.
Conservation of Resources:
The college focuses on minimizing the wastage of resources like water by preventing its overflow from the tank. It maintains rain water harvesting tanks for collecting rain water that is utilized for irrigating the gardens both floriculture and herbal, and recharge the ground water. The college uses solar energy which is environment friendly and is energy saving for the electrical appliances. We have facilitated with the 95% of CFL and conventional light sources with LED lighting, MCBs and electric feeder station for the campusis set up by Oil India Limited. We have uninterrupted electrical power and water supply in the campus.
Waste Reduction and Management:
The college has made strict prohibition on use of plastic bags and plastic items in the campus as the campus is single use plastic free. Use of steel crockery in the canteen is mandatory.
Swachha Bharat:
Monthly cleanliness drives of public places like schools, markets, bus stops etc. including the removal of litter and plastic waste, beautifying vacant plots and creating awareness among public about cleanliness through STREET PLAYS which has deeper meaning and understanding of cleanliness.
Awareness Programmes and Campaign:
It includes various activities on environmental issues to educate students, the people of the neighbouring areas of the adopted villages about the re-use of waste materials, adopting and sustainable lifestyle and for managing natural resources. The Eco club and Environmental Committees also organize various environmental related activities on some special days like Foundation Day, World Environment Day and in many other occasions.
- Evidence of success:
Thecollege has a variety of ornamental plants, fruit trees, wild varieties of trees, several herbs, shrubs in the college campus. More than 50% of the total area of the college is under the green cover. Tree plantation drives are carried out on various occasions. . Recognizing the Green and Clean Campus of the college, an appreciation certificate has been awarded from Brand Ambassador, Swach Bharat Mission (Under NAMASTE INDIA). This drive and awareness programme on resource management and recycling have limited the use of plastics within the colleges. The use of plastic utensils in the college canteen has been replaced by the steel utensils. On various occasions, like ‘World Environment Day’ ‘International Water Day’ etc. talks are delivered by the Resource Persons on various environmental issues and this motivates the students to get deep knowledge about the natural world and the planet we live in.
- Due to heavy academic workload and time constraints, faculty and students face difficulty in sustaining the integrity of the activities of academic schedule with the environmental activities.
- The Pandemic has adversely affected the ongoing green initiatives. Maintenance of the garden and lush green cover has been difficult to be managed due to the non availability of man-power that was affected by the lockdown.
- Due to heavy rainfall during summer, over flooded water has damaged many plantations as the water logged for long days causing root damage for which some trees become wilted.
- Due to construction of new building in the college campus, growth of some plantations has been hampered.
Some suggestions for future green initiative in the college the IQAC has made:
- Initiative for creating eco-friendly interior space,
- Working for vertical garden,
- Creating a student’s team working for beautification of the college garden ,and
- Organizing healthy competitions between the departments based on Green and Clean Campus.
Practice- II:
Begin the Day with,
[The Yoga class is always the first class in the college].
The main objective of Yoga class is
- To make the students physically and mentally fit which creates attentiveness among the students.
- To maintain better mental hygiene, to integrate moral values and to possess emotional stability.
- To attain higher level of consciousness.
Yoga is an ancient and complex practice, rooted in Indian philosophy. It began as a spiritual practice but has become popular as a way of promoting physical and mental well – being with the perfect harmony between mind and body. The subject of yogawas started in the college since August 2014.From the beginning, a huge number of students is involved in this course. There is much positivity involved in this course like-
- Increasing flexibility.
- Relieving stress, supporting good health habits and increasing mental and emotional health.
- Helps people who are overweight or wants to increase weight (for those who are mal nourished and under weight).
- Improve athletic performance.
- Help people with chronic diseases and improve their quality of life.
In ancient time Yoga was a regular practice in the Gurukul, Gurugriha or Gurukul Ashram. Yoga is essential for spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing in our higher order of education system. As we always pay more stress on the syllabus, it is now proved that for overall development of human being Yoga is very essential, for which UNO has declared the International Yoga Day on 21st June since 2015. Then onwards Yoga has become a part of education and has been made mandatory for all educational institutions including ours. Initially, for a Yoga teacher there is no requirement of specific qualification. But Duliajan Girls’ College has considered a Yoga teacher to be recruited on the basis of his profound experiences and professional certificate that he has acquired in this domain, his ability to effectively teach Yoga and consider his deeper understanding on it.
The Yoga Unit of Duliajan Girls’ College has performed many activities for all round development of students.
- The Youth Leadership Training Programme (YLTP) is organized among the students from One Day to maximum Seven Days to develop leadership ability, communicationskills, decision making capacity, socialiy responsible citizens, building confidence and to sharpen the mind.
- A Seven Days Yoga Camp has been organized for teaching and non-teaching staff with an aim to bring awareness on Yoga for keeping good health and healthy habits.
- The International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June every year and many Yoga related activities are performed.
- A Self Defence Camp with the duration of 15 days was organized for the students to learn techniques for self defence, time management, team work spirit, facing challenges and developing leadership qualities. In this programme,the two resource persons had been invited –a Karate trainer Mr.SurajitChutia and Mr. Subhakaran Kohain who is an Art of Living Foundation teacher.
- To bring awareness among children and teens of the adopted village of BamhukutaGaon as an outreach programme to teach them about the Asanas,Pranayamas and Meditation as a weeklong programme in which about 45 students of that category participated.
- The Medha Yoga Level 1 was conducted for 10(ten) days under the guidance of two experts invited from Art of Living Foundation – Mrs.JuliMahanta and Mr. ArunBorgohain.The benefits of the programme was Improvement of Communication Skills, Development of Positive Attitude, Creative Thinking, Stress Management, TimeManagement, to have a calm and peaceful mind, acquiring team spirit and building of self confidence.
- The Unit of Yoga has provided the certificate course with duration of One Month/Six Months/One Year and Fifteen Days for Self Defence Course.
- The students are able to manage themselves to attend the Yoga class regularly and become punctual and maintain a healthy balance between scholastic and co- scholastic activities of the college.
- At the time of admission, when the new comers are admitted to the college, most of them are found less flexible, lessproductive, less smart and poor in self confidence. After one year, those who have practiced Yoga regularly, they appear physically and emotionally healthy with a positive state of mind. They feel less stressed and less tired even after their hectic schedule of attending college.
- As the Yoga teacher teaches the students the methods of coping with stress and make them aware of his presence, they become self aware and practice Yoga sincerely in the class.
- By learning the breathing techniques, they learn how to calm their mind and bring stability from restlessness. This impact has been seen in their academic performance that they develop gradually.
- Due to lack of sufficient space for practicing Yoga, total number of college students are segregated into small unit, classwise, and the students are provided separate slots for doing this regularly for half an hour only.
- Time at which Yoga class is to be attended by the students becomes strenuous. As most of the students attend college from a distance and they commute by public transport, they arrive late to college by about 10-15 minutes. To get the benefits of Yoga, one must be involved in the activity for 45 minutes to one hour.
- From the logistic point of view, there is a requirement of a big hall for the Yoga practice, hygienically carpeted floor, proper sound system, attached wash rooms and a cloak room for changing and keeping the bags of the students are required.
The IQAC has taken the initiative by encouraging the students to become a sound foundation of physical and mental well being for which students become committed to practicing Yoga at the beginning of the class regularly to develop positive vibes among the college students.
- Initiative within and outside the college: By creating an interior space for performing different Yoga related activities, self defence training, the students who show interest in community service must be expert in acquiring the skill and show interest to teach the community in the neighbouring area.
- Impact on other activities: The Unit of Yoga actively spread the message of benefits of Yoga in the neighbourhood through training the women of the neighbouring areas. Special training camps are organized from time to time to keep physical and mental well being among these women.
- Inspiring students to develop sports activities: It is made mandatory to the students who opt for any kinds of sports to practice Yoga at the beginning of the class every day.
Other Practices:

Morning Assembly- (includes Prayer, Saraswati Bandana, Thought of the day, Reading Head lines from News Paper and Singing of Assamese Jateeya Sangeet ' O Mur Aponar Desh' and Others Anouncement of the College.

Physical Fitness NCC (Ranger)

No Vehicles allowed (On the 5th of every month) in the College Campus for Save OIL & Keep Environment Clean & Green.